Monday, October 29, 2012

Malachi and his Windy Creek mare

My nephew Malachi recently had his senior pictures taken, his quarter horse mare was a part of the action. "Roanie" is out of our Shaq and Royal and is already 5 years old ( I think anyway). The two of them made an awesome sight in our Iowa sunset. Here are just a few of the pictures snapped that day by my sister and myself. If you look in my 2008 post you will see "Roan Bar Beauty" a.k.a. Roanie as a weanling, also in that year you will see a young Malachi with "Watch Fancy Cane."

Watch Kay Cee Cane

Canes filly from this year, Watch Kay Cee Cane is now at home with her sister Watch Dixie Rose in South Dakota! Smokey's little stud colt is now sold too so we are "sold out" of our weanlings! Thanks to everyone who purchased one of our babies, keep us in mind for next years babies!